Thank you for considering the 2023澳门彩免费资料大全
during your employment search.Birdville ISD is now using Hire Enterprise as our applicant tracking system. If you wish to be considered for a position in Birdville ISD, please access the links below to create/modify your application and apply.
All applications are accepted and screened through our online system. District administrators will have access to your application and attachments once your application has been submitted. Please do not mail or bring documentation to the district unless requested. All resumes, letters of interest, transcripts or any additional documentation must be uploaded to your online application.You may direct additional questions to Anna Rosales at: (817) 547-5739. It is our hope that you will continue to seek employment opportunities in the Birdville School District.To view/apply for open positions in Birdville and/or create an application for employment, please log in below:
Includes principal, assistant principal, director, coordinator, program/department administrator and other related positions
Includes teacher, counselor, librarian, nurse, diagnostician and other campus and district level professionals
Includes campus-based support paraprofessionals, instructional paraprofessionals, central office support paraprofessionals, and other related positions
Includes maintenance, custodial, child nutrition worker, transportation and other auxiliary positions
Substitute Positions
Technical Support
For technical assistance regarding the Hire Enterprise Applicant Tracking Application, please view the PowerSchool Applicant Support Knowledge Base by clicking the PowerSchool logo below or you may contact the PowerSchool technical support team at 1-866-434-6276.
Support hours: Monday - Friday from 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. CST
Support in Other Languages: If you need help or speak a non-English language, call (817) 740-3600 and request to be connected to an interpreter who will assist you at no cost.
: Designed to support applicants with application and job search FAQs. Applicants can access FAQs and resources via this online support module. <<>>
Phone Support: PowerSchool Support Phone Number: 1-866-434-6276. <<View phone support instructions>>
Email Tech Support: <<email Tech Support>>